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More smiles, more rides

Sign up for convenient and sustainable mobility solutions to increase customer satisfaction and therefore conversion.

Get a trip planner on your website customizable to your customers' needs

Advertise your services directly to your website visitors by enabling riders to find the simplest ways to get from point A to point B.

Connect your community, respond in real-time

A mobility solution that accommodates your existing network and builds on it seamlessly.

A one-stop-shop for on-demand services
Easy-to-use technology for all users
More efficient, agile mobility offerings


Key benefits for your operations


Significantly decrease customer service calls. Your customers now have a simple way to plan their journeys on the website.

Have access to monthly data reports and user analytics on visitor searches.

Improve user experience with trip planning optimized with real-time arrivals and integrated notifications.

What we offer

Branded Apps

Use your brand elements to communicate the simplest mobility experience.


As fast and seamless as your operations.


Assess and regulate mobility operators by collecting and evaluating insightful data.


Identify the right service for your customers.

Real-Time Schedules

Earn your customers' trust and loyalty by providing accurate real-time updates.

Data Manager

Manage transit data easily with the most intuitive GTFS editor.

Automate and grow your operations.


Discover our products, technology, and culture on our blog.

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