Real-time communication
Allow unlimited team members to effectively collaborate in real-time. Centered around exception management, you'll know exactly what you need to know, as it happens.
Manage your fleet anywhere, anytime
Just like your fleet, you are constantly on the go. Bussr’s remote fleet management capabilities allow you to access and address any task from your mobile device anywhere, anytime.

Automate your workflows with Bussr
Give your typing fingers a break with automated operational workflows and data integrations.

The firm foundation of effective fleet management
You run a successful fleet, which means you're busy. Bussr works on the principle that you should only be notified if and when you need to see it.
When you deem appropriate, you will be immediately made aware of any issues along with detailed, relevant data.
Bussr can then deploy automated routine maintenance workflows to improve your uptime.
Otherwise, everything runs as smooth as silk in the background.
Fuel your fleet with data
Bussr is the brains behind better decisions in fleet management.
Our innovative data science allows you to gain real-time insights into cost control, asset utilization, and cost-per-mile metrics.
You can even monitor the use of third-party solutions like maintenance providers, GPS devices, and fuel cards.
Access your detailed data hub anywhere, anytime, for optimal uptime and the highest possible profits.

Start your 90-day free trial today.
Try Bussr free for 90 days, no credit card required. By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing emails from Bussr.