Climate change is real, and it is here to stay. It is our duty to make conscious steps towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and create a healthier and more livable planet. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ultimately reach zero emissions require investment and structured planning on national and local levels.
The future is electric
Introducing electric vehicles to public and private transportation will help reduce local air pollution, which is currently a significant problem in many, especially low-income and rural areas. Transitioning to electric vehicles is essential in both rural and urban areas while the challenges remain different:
Access to public transportation
Currently, access to transportation is not equally distributed. This is true just as much locally as it is in global settings. Better developed, wealthier cities (countries) offer a much better transportation network to people than in rural, underdeveloped, and more impoverished areas. Investing in the transportation networks in these under-developed areas would allow more people to use public transport instead of single-car travel.
Introducing micro-mobility options in rural areas and further developing the already existing urban networks would enable people to travel to their final destination to the last mile and access public transportation hubs easier. By introducing new bus lines, people who can’t afford their own car could access schools and employment more efficiently and more reliably.
Government investment
A drastic and all-inclusive change to national transportation systems largely depends on government regulations, their approach to fossil fuel usage, and investment in innovation and technology. Shifting to low-emission transport nationwide requires investment in road infrastructure and supporting technology such as bus lanes, cameras, sensors, etc.
By reducing fuel-based vehicle usage and introducing electric ones will help to reduce CO2 emissions dramatically. Educating people and instilling healthier consumer behavior is also necessary to enable people to make smart transportation choices and vehicle usage and purchases.
The role of carbon and policies supporting renewable energies
Historically, fossil fuels were the most apparent source of energy, and through trade agreements and sometimes locally being available, it was the obvious choice for the longest time.
Any country responding to climate change must consider how to reduce carbon emissions drastically. Emissions from coal and diesel are a significant source of air pollution, and how government policies approach the need for change is vital for the future. Putting an accurate price tag on carbon beyond the cost of purchase and factoring in the harmful effect on nature and humanity would allow a more competitive pricing structure between carbon and modern energy sources. Once this fundamental change is globally established, we are one big step closer to reducing fossil-fuel-based energy usage and replace it with modern electric technology.