The future is in modern urban mobility. However, it is essential to recognize that some cities can make the transition easier. For example, urban cities like Shanghai, London, or Paris -with extensive and excellent public transport systems are able to make adjustments easier and faster than others. For example, rural or even just less well-connected cities are built for traveling by cars. Replacing traditional cars with electric ones requires the establishment of support networks nationwide. The development of urban mobility can be accelerated by providing the following solutions:
Incentivize the use of electric cars:
In cities such as Shanghai, when purchasing an electric car, people are can get free license plates or at least with highly reduced prices. At the same time, people are penalized with very high costs for their license plates when purchasing non-electric vehicles).
Incentivize car-sharing services:
Younger generations are less attached to the idea of owning a car, and they are more open to easy and customized solutions. Educating young and future generations about the benefits of car-sharing and incentivizing them can significantly help the general approach to use car-sharing services.
Supportive regulations nationwide:
It is necessary to introduce strategic plans that transform urban cities toward more modern mobility. There is no one-fit-all solution, and the actual solutions must be considered a city by city. In some cities, the answer is to offer more public transport options. In other places, they need to introduce rapid bus lanes and car-free inner cities to reduce traffic. Again, in other cities, the solution requires better connectedness between urban and less developed areas to enable residents to commute. Micro-mobility solutions can also play a significant role in helping residents in moving toward urban solutions. With the introduction of electric-scooter fleets, people are able to bridge the first and last-mile travel hence reducing the need for single-car usage.
Digitalize infrastructure
At the heart of all efforts lies the digitalization of the systems. By introducing monitoring systems such as cameras, sensors, and tracking solutions, it is easier to learn about the typicalities and challenges of the local transportation network. Once data is collected and analyzed, cities can build personalized solutions and reduce the gap between public transportation and private services. Investing in the ride- or bike-sharing fleets, integrating trip planning, ticketing, and payment services MaaS will have the power to make transportation services more appealing and efficient solution for the future.