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Challenges of Modern Mobility?

Finding ways to improve modern mobility while reducing traffic, accidents, and pollution is a common issue for all big cities. Although new and improved systems are being developed to meet new mobility demands, there is still the issue of declining fuel reserves, environmental problems, traffic safety, and inefficient public transport networks.

Here are a few of the other challenges we face when it comes to modern mobility.

Traffic congestion and parking issues

Rising traffic congestion is inevitable in large and growing metropolitan areas around the globe. As the demand for automobiles has increased over the years, so has the need for new and improved transport infrastructures. The problem is that the supply of infrastructures hasn’t really kept up with the mobility growth.

As a result, there are not enough parking facilities in most towns and cities, which has led to street parking. Therefore, traffic lanes are being affected, obstructing the circulation of vehicles in already busy cities.

Extended commuting distance

Due to the ever-increasing cost of housing, many people are choosing to live further away from their workplace (in more affordable neighborhoods) in an effort to save on the cost of living. The trade-off is housing affordability for commuting time. However, the downside is that this has a significant effect on certain social and health aspects.

For instance, there’s less time for people to spend with friends and family. Additionally, rather than getting some much-needed exercise and fresh air, a huge amount of time is spent commuting.

Loss of public space

The need to make more space on the roads for automobiles means that public spaces are being sacrificed. For instance, areas that were previously used for public activities, such as markets, parades, and community interactions, have gradually disappeared to make space for vehicles.

The challenge with non-motorized vehicles

Generally speaking, there is a total lack of regard for pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized forms of transport. For the most part, Infrastructure has not been designed to support this group of “movers.” On the other side of the coin, the development of bicycle paths hampers roadways, as well as parking space.

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